CBA regular season continued today as Liaoning hosted Guangzhou. The biggest highlight of this game undoubtedly was Guo Ailun's return to his familiar arena as a visiting player after transferring to Guangzhou in the offseason. He even received his championship ring from last season. However, Guo Ailun was absent and did not play in this game. It is worth mentioning that the two teams had met once this season, with Liaoning winning by 32 points. Guo Ailun was also absent from that game.
The first quarter was fiercely contested, with both teams exchanging blows. Liaoning, initially at a disadvantage, took the lead with an 11-0 run. However, Guangzhou quickly responded with a 19-10 run to regain control. In the second quarter, the two teams continued to battle, with Liaoning unable to widen the gap despite having the upper hand. Liaoning held a 3-point lead at halftime. Guangzhou started the second half with a 10-3 run to create a tight back-and-forth game. However, the game was decided in the middle of the fourth quarter when Liaoning went on an 11-2 run to pull away. Wang Lanzhen's three-pointer sealed the victory. In the end, Liaoning defeated Guangzhou.
Here are the statistics for both teams:
Liaoning (8-2): Lance Stephenson: 31 points, 4 rebounds, 8 assists, 4 steals. Salah Mejri: 13 points, 3 rebounds. Wang Lanzhen: 12 points, 5 rebounds, 7 assists. Han Dejun: 17 points, 9 rebounds, 2 assists. Li Xiaoxu: 6 points, 4 rebounds. Fu Hao: 7 points, 4 rebounds. Achiu Ye: 6 points, 4 rebounds. Yan Shouqi: 5 points, 2 rebounds.
Guangzhou (2-7): Askia Booker: 30 points, 8 rebounds, 5 assists. Jordan Crawford: 10 points, 11 rebounds. Jiao Boqiao: 10 points, 4 rebounds. Yum Titi: 6 points, 3 rebounds, 3 assists. Zhang Xingliang: 7 points, 5 assists. Shao Wei Yun: 9 points, 4 rebounds. Li Xiangbo: 11 points, 5 rebounds, 3 assists.
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