,I never thought I'd see the day where the Houston Rockets are hesitating to offer top-tier contracts to Jaylen Green and Sheng Jing. These two players have shown immense potential and have clearly bet on themselves to secure a max contract. However, the Rockets have yet to make that offer. The team's reporter, Jonathan Feigen, even reported that it's unlikely the Rockets will offer a max contract extension this offseason.
Both Green and Jing have one more year left on their contracts and are eligible for an extension this offseason. It's remarkable to think that the Rockets are hesitating on securing the services of these two players for the long term. Green, who averaged 19.6 points, 5.2 rebounds, and 3.5 assists per game while playing 82 games last season, has shown a maturity beyond his years. Jing, on the other hand, averaged 21.1 points, 9.3 rebounds, 5 assists, and 1.2 steals per game in 63 games. These numbers speak for themselves.
It's understandable that the Rockets want to see more from Green and Jing before committing to a top-dollar contract. But with their performances last season, it's clear that these two players have the talent and potential to become top-tier players in the league. The Rockets need to act quickly and secure their services before other teams come knocking.
Green and Jing have shown that they believe in themselves and their abilities on the court. Now, it's up to the Rockets to show the same faith and invest in the future of their franchise. The clock is ticking, and the decision to offer them a max contract could prove to be a game-changer for the Rockets' future success.
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